All the answers to your questions in one place
WHAT IS SKIN RESURFACING?It is a method of treating skin issues and eradicating photoaging effects like wrinkles, spots, and textures. It involves lasers, powerful pulsed light, or photodynamic therapy.
HOW DO YOU RESURFACE SKIN?Exfoliate: Exfoliating your skin on a regular basis can help to remove dead skin cells which can help to resurface the skin. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels use a variety of acids to remove the outer layer of skin, revealing the underlying layer. Laser Resurfacing: Laser resurfacing is a type of treatment that uses an intense beam of light to remove the outer layers of skin, revealing the underlying layer. Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is a mechanical exfoliation process that helps to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. Retinoids: Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that help to speed up the cell turnover process, exfoliating the skin and revealing a smoother, more even layer.
WHO NEEDS SKIN RESURFACING?It can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including acne scarring, wrinkles, age spots, and uneven skin tone. Anyone who has these types of skin conditions may benefit from skin resurfacing. It is important to talk to our experts to determine if skin resurfacing is right for you.
WHAT CAN I EXPECT AFTER SKIN RESURFACING?After skin resurfacing, you can expect the treated area of the skin to appear smoother, tighter and brighter. Your skin may be red and swollen for 2-3 days after the procedure, and you may experience some mild discomfort. The treated area may also be sensitive to the sun for a period of time, so you should use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and avoid direct sun exposure for several weeks.
WHAT IS THE BEST SKIN RESURFACING TREATMENT?At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, the relatively quick healing time, laser skin resurfacing is the most effective choice for the majority of patients.
DOES RESURFACING HURT?Most of the clients have reported no discomfort during the procedure but it mostly depends on the pain sensitivity level of an individual. We apply topical lidocaine for 30 minutes prior to the treatment to ensure comfort throughout the process.
WHAT IS THE COST OF SKIN RESURFACING?The pricing of our skin resurfacing treatment is customized for each client differently as the amount of sessions needed varies. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.
HOW LONG DOES A NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY LAST?Non-surgical rhinoplasty results typically last 12-18 months, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and get a personalized estimate for you.
WHO IS NOT A CANDIDATE FOR NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY?Non-surgical rhinoplasty may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with unrealistic expectations, very thin skin, or certain nasal bridge concerns. A consultation with Dr. Adam can help determine if it's the right option for you.
DOES NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY MAKE YOUR NOSE LOOK BIGGER?Non-surgical rhinoplasty is designed to subtly reshape and refine your nose, not enlarge it. Fillers strategically placed can add volume, definition, and improve symmetry. A consultation can help you achieve your desired outcome.
WHAT ARE THE CONS OF NOSE FILLERS?While uncommon, potential downsides of nose fillers include temporary bruising, swelling, or asymmetry. Results are not permanent, and maintenance injections are needed. A consultation with Dr. Adam can address your concerns and ensure a natural-looking outcome.
AM I GOOD CANDIDATE FOR NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY?The best way to determine if you're a good candidate for non-surgical rhinoplasty is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam. He can assess your goals, facial anatomy, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan to achieve your desired results.
IS FACIAL REJUVENATION GOOD FOR THE FACE?Yes! Facial rejuvenation is an advanced formula that helps to nourish and hydrate your skin whilerestoring its natural beauty. It's a complete skincare and injectable solution that workson all skin typesand contains natural ingredients. With facial rejuvenation, you can look up to 10 years younger in justdays!
IS SKIN REJUVENATION PERMANENT?No, skin rejuvenation is not permanent. It can help improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance ofyour skin, but the results are not permanent. Some treatments, such as laser resurfacing, can provide morelong-lasting results, but they may require multiple treatments and maintenance treatments over time tomaintain the results.
WHAT IS THE REJUVENATION PROCESS?Skin rejuvenation is a variety of cosmetic procedures that are designed to improve the overall appearanceof the skin. These procedures can address a wide range of concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, agespots, sun damage, uneven skin tone, and acne.
IS SKIN REJUVENATION PAINFUL?No, skin rejuvenation is not usually painful. However, some procedures such as laser resurfacing,chemical peels, and microdermabrasion may cause some discomfort during the treatment. At Aestheticaby Dr. Adam, our experts will advise you on the best way to manage any discomfort with a properprotocol of numbing.
HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR FACIAL REJUVENATION?Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen daily. Stop smoking and limit alcoholconsumption. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Avoid using any abrasive skin care products. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer suitable for your skin type. For better preparation, you can consult with our expert Dr. Adam to determine the best treatmentfor you.
HOW LONG DOES REJUVENATION LAST?The effects of rejuvenation treatments vary depending on the product or procedure used. Generally, theeffects of a rejuvenation treatment can last anywhere from a few months to a few years
WHAT IS THE COST OF REJUVENATING?The pricing of our facial rejuvenation procedure is customized for each client differently. You can call usdirectly at the given phone numbers oremail us. Our active customer representative will contact you assoon as possible.
IS FACIAL REJUVENATION RIGHT FOR ME?Facial rejuvenation can be right for you if you are bothered by wrinkles, fine lines, loss of volume in yourface, or sun damage. Aconsultation with Dr. Adam can help you determine if facial rejuvenation is theright choice for you.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR FACIAL REJUVENATION TREATMENT?Schedule a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Discuss your goals andexpectations for treatment. Be sure to disclose your medical history, including any medications you aretaking. Ask about the risks and side effects of treatment.
WHAT IS FACIAL BALANCING?Facial balancing is a cosmetic procedureused to restore balance and symmetry to the face. It can involvea variety of techniques, including dermal fillers, Botox injections, fat transfer, laser skin resurfacing, andfacial implants. The goal of facial balancing is to create a more harmonious andaesthetically pleasingappearance. It can be used to address issues such as drooping eyelids, deep wrinkles, and uneven facialfeatures.
WHICH FACE SHAPE IS BEST FOR FACIAL BALANCING?There is no one face shape that is best. Everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. Whileeverything in our body and face has its own value but for aesthetics, both men and women find eyes, lips,and nose an attractive feature of the face.
WHAT MAKES A FACE LOOK YOUNGER?A face can look younger when its skin is hydrated and well-nourished, and when wrinkles and fine linesare minimized. Additionally, a youthful face often has a healthy and even skin tone and is free from darkspots and blemishes. Regular skin care routines that include moisturizing, exfoliating, and protecting theskin with sunscreen can help keep the face looking younger.
WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF A BALANCED FACIAL PROFILE?Symmetry: A face that is symmetrical is considered to be more balanced. Proportions: The proportions of the face should be inharmony with each other, such as the distancebetween the eyes, the size of the nose, and the width of the jaw. Skin: Smooth and evenskin tone Eyes: Bright and lifted eyes Cheekbones: High and well-defined cheekbones Smile: A genuine and warm smileLips: Full and luscious lips
WHAT IS THE COST OF FACIAL BALANCING?The pricing of our facial balancing procedure is customized for each client differently. You can call usdirectly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you assoon as possible
WHO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR FACIAL BALANCING PROCEDURES?Ideal candidates for facial balancing procedures are those who are unhappy with the asymmetry orproportions of their face. This could include concerns about anuneven jawline, hollow cheeks, or a weakchin.
WHAT IS LIQUID LIPO?Liquid lipo is a type of liposuction that uses a special solution to break up fat cells before they are removed from the body. This method is considered less invasive than traditional liposuction, as it does not require large incisions or general anesthesia. Liquid lipo is most commonly used to remove small areas of stubborn fat, such as the chin, neck, arms, thighs, and abdomen.
WHAT IS A LIQUID LIPO PROCEDURE?Liquid lipo is a minimally invasive fat reduction procedure that uses a compound like Kybella to break down the fat cells small enough for your body to metabolize over time. The process is often used to contour the face, neck, and body. It may also be used to treat stubborn areas that do not respond to diet and exercise. It can also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The treatment takes 3-4 weeks to show their full results.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR LIQUID LIPO TO WORK?At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, liquid lipo generally begins to work within 10 minutes of being administered. However, the full effects of liquid lipo can take up to 3-4 weeks to become fully realized.
HOW MUCH WEIGHT CAN YOU LOSE WITH LIQUID LIPO?If you are already at your target weight, you may typically anticipate losing between one and three pounds of fat through liposuction. Depending on your body mass, you might be able to lose closer to 10 or 11 pounds from lipo if you haven't reached your ideal weight yet.
HOW DO YOU APPLY LIQUID LIPO?To apply liquid Lipo at Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, the area to be treated is first numbed with a topical anesthetic. Then, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted into the area. The liquid solution is then injected into the fat cells and left to work for several minutes. The entire process typically takes less than 10 minutes and is considered a minimally invasive procedure.
DOES THE FAT COME BACK AFTER LIPO?If you are already living a healthy life and eating a healthy and balanced diet then you will not have to worry about fat coming back. In fact, you will be too surprised to see the results that you will not want to go back to your old self.
IS LIPO PAINFUL?At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, we make sure that every procedure we perform should be nonpainful. The same can be said about our liquid lip service in Chicago. With proper anesthetic and expert hands, you will just feel good results only.
DOES YOUR SKIN TIGHTEN AFTER LIPO?The simple answer is “YES”. However, It depends on the skin type of every person. Before going for liquid lipo, you should talk to our experts first.
WHAT IS THE COST OF LIQUID LIPO?The pricing of our liquid lipo procedure is customized for each client differently based on the amount of adipose tissue needed to be dissolved/removed. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.
WHAT IS BODY CONTOURING?Body contouring is a set of noninvasive cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the appearance of the body by removing unwanted fat or tightening loose skin. Body contouring can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite, reshape the body, and achieve a more toned and sculpted look.
CAN YOU CONTOUR YOUR BODY WITHOUT SURGERY?Yes, it is possible to contour your body without surgery. At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, we have non-surgical options for body contouring such as ultra-sound and radio frequency therapy. Our treatments can help reduce fat and improve the shape of the body, but results may vary and may not be as dramatic as surgical options. You can consult with our qualified medical professionals to determine the best option for your individual needs and goals.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU DO BODY CONTOURING?The frequency of body contouring treatments can vary depending on the specific treatment and the individual's goals and needs. It's important to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine a treatment plan that is appropriate for you. For non-invasive body contouring treatments, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Typically, a series of four to six treatments are recommended, spaced four to six weeks apart. It's important to keep in mind that body contouring treatments are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and diet. To maintain the results of body contouring treatments, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
WHAT IS THE BEST TREATMENT FOR BODY CONTOURINGThe best treatment for body contouring will depend on the individual's specific needs and goals. Different body contouring treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages, and a qualified medical professional can help determine which treatment is best for you.
IS BODY CONTOURING SAFE?Opting for non-invasive procedures is a comparatively safer option. At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, his professional expertise will assure you that each procedure is done minding the safety of our clients.
IS BODY CONTOURING PAINFUL?The best answer would be “depends” because we all have different levels of pain sensitivity. However, most people going through body contouring didn't find it painful.
WHO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR BODY CONTOURING?A good candidate for body contouring is someone who is at or close to their ideal body weight and has good skin elasticity. Additionally, the candidate should be in overall good health and have realistic expectations for the procedure. It's recommended that you consult with our experts to determine if you are a good candidate for body contouring.
WHAT IS THE COST OF BODY CONTOURING?The pricing of our body contouring procedure is customized for each client differently as the amount of sessions needed varies. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.
WHAT IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL?It is a process that makes it possible to remove hair with a laser. The hairs will be exposed to the laser light pulses. Which will minimize the growth of the hair.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL PERMANENT?Laser hair removal can be a great way to remove unwanted hair. However, you will have to visit multiple times to achieve the desired result because of the thickness, color, and skin condition which is different for everyone.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL GOOD FOR YOU?If you want to have laser hair removal then don't worry. Laser hair removal is safe and effective for most people. So relax and visit Aesthetica by Dr. Adam for a complete consultation regarding laser hair removal.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL PAINFUL?It depends on which part of the body you want hair free. As every part has a different sensitivity level, it also depends on the level of heat being used to remove the hair. However, modern-day laser therapy has no pain which is offered by Aesthetica by Dr. Adam.
HOW EXACTLY DOES LASER HAIR REMOVAL WORK?Laser hair removal works by using a laser beam to target the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles. The laser emits a beam of intense light that is absorbed by the melanin in the hair. The heat from the laser shrinks the hair follicles, which slows or stops hair growth. During the treatment, the laser is directed at the area being treated, and the laser beam is absorbed by the hair follicles. Future hair development is prevented or slowed down by the heat from the laser, which harms the hair follicles. Laser hair removal is most effective on individuals with dark hair and light skin because the laser targets the melanin in the hair. However, newer laser technology allows for safe and effective treatment of individuals with all skin types. It's important to note that laser hair removal treatment typically requires multiple sessions for the best results. The number of sessions required will depend on the individual's hair and skin type, as well as the area being treated. It's important to have a consultation with our licensed professionals to determine the number of sessions needed for optimal results.
DOES LASER REMOVE 100% HAIR?Yes, it can. However, it depends on the skin, hair growth, and a number of procedures. People with thin hair can enjoy laser hair removal with a few procedures. On the other hand, people with thick and heavy hair will require more than 6 or 7 sessions and even more to remove the hair 100%.
HOW MANY YEARS WILL LASER HAIR REMOVAL LAST?It depends mostly on your hair growth. However, a huge number of people have reported that the hair will not grow for several months and even more than a year.
WHAT IS THE COST OF LASER HAIR REMOVAL?The pricing of our laser hair removal treatment is customized for each client differently as the amount of sessions needed varies. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.
WHAT IS CHEMICAL PEEL?A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers.
WHAT DO CHEMICAL PEELS DO?This can help to improve the appearance of fine lines, acne, age spots, texture and other skin imperfections, as well as make the skin look smoother and more youthful.
IS CHEMICAL PEEL GOOD FOR SKIN?There are different types of chemical peels, including light, medium, and deep peels, which vary in the strength of the solution used and the depth of the peel. You should consult our experts at Aesthetica by Dr. Adam before getting one for a better experience.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR CHEMICAL PEELSDon’t exfoliate when you are preparing for chemical peels Avoid using makeup before the procedure Avoid the sun exposure Stay hydrated as much as you can
HOW LONG DOES A CHEMICAL PEEL LAST?The results may last for more than 2 months with a light chemical peel. A deeper chemical peel may result in more dramatic results which will last forever.
WHICH AGE IS BEST FOR CHEMICAL PEEL?At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, we don't have any age restrictions over 18 years old. It mostly depends on your skin condition that makes you a suitable candidate.
HOW MUCH IS A CHEMICAL PEEL?The pricing of our chemical peel is customized for each client differently as the type of peel varies the cost of treatment. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.
IS A CHEMICAL PEEL RIGHT FOR ME?Chemical peels may be right for you if you are looking to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, or acne scars. A consultation with Dr. Adam can help you determine if a chemical peel is the right treatment for you.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR A CHEMICAL PEEL?Avoid sun exposure for several weeks before your treatment. Discontinue use of certain skincare products, such as retinoids and exfoliants. Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking.
WHAT IS IPL AND HOW DOES IT WORK?IPL is a non-invasive procedure where a high-intensity of light pulse improves the appearance of skin.
WHAT IS IPL TREATMENT GOOD FOR?IPL is greatly beneficial to treat a variety of skin conditions including sun damage, hyperpigmentation, age spots, rosacea, and acne.
HOW LONG DO IPL RESULTS LAST?The IPL treatment from Aesthetica will result in younger and fresher-looking skin for more than a year. However, if you take care of your skin, you can enjoy the results for more than a year.
WHAT IS THE COST OF THE IPL?The pricing of our IPL treatment is customized for each client differently as the amount of sessions needed varies. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.

Yes! Facial rejuvenation is an advanced formula that helps to nourish and hydrate your skin while restoring its natural beauty. It's a complete skincare and injectable solution that works on all skin types and contains natural ingredients. With facial rejuvenation, you can look up to 10 years younger in just days!
No, skin rejuvenation is not permanent. It can help improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of your skin, but the results are not permanent. Some treatments, such as laser resurfacing, can provide more long-lasting results, but they may require multiple treatments and maintenance treatments over time to maintain the results.
Skin rejuvenation is a variety of cosmetic procedures that are designed to improve the overall appearance of the skin. These procedures can address a wide range of concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, uneven skin tone, and acne.
No, skin rejuvenation is not usually painful. However, some procedures such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion may cause some discomfort during the treatment. At Aesthetica by Dr. Adam, our experts will advise you on the best way to manage any discomfort with a proper protocol of numbing.
Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen daily.
Stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
Avoid using any abrasive skin care products.
Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
For better preparation, you can consult with our expert Dr. Adam to determine the best treatment for you.
The effects of rejuvenation treatments vary depending on the product or procedure used. Generally, the effects of a rejuvenation treatment can last anywhere from a few months to a few years.
The pricing of our facial rejuvenation procedure is customized for each client differently. You can call us directly at the given phone numbers or email us. Our active customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.
Facial rejuvenation can be right for you if you are bothered by wrinkles, fine lines, loss of volume in your face, or sun damage. A consultation with Dr. Adam can help you determine if facial rejuvenation is the right choice for you.
Schedule a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Discuss your goals and expectations for treatment. Be sure to disclose your medical history, including any medications you are taking. Ask about the risks and side effects of treatment.